"The Young Kamehameha"
by: norbert perez
Sometime around 1753, a young Ali'i was born to Keku'iapoiwa and the Warrior Chief
Keoua on the lustious island paradise called the Big Island of Hawai'i. Keku'iapoiwa was the niece of King Alapa'inui, the
reigning moi of Hawaii; while Keoua was the grandson of Keawe, the former Moi of Hawaii. Very little is known about
Kamehameha's youth other than what was recorded in Captain Cook's Journal of 1779 where the young Ali'i was a member of King Kalaniopuu's
court. Ancient Legends and Myths are not very clear and often times exagerated.
"Pai'ea", as he was lovingly called, Kamehameha was a bright and studious boy and
took pleasure in the warmth and familial stewardship around the Palace, along with the other Ali'i children. He was a friendly
and respectful child and a sentimental believer in the island way of life. Under the guidance and tutorship of his mentor
& protector, Naeole, he was grounded and reared in the ancient 'kapu' system of the polynesian gods. He had to memorize
and recite the many deities, from Lono to Kanaloa and know their specific graces and how they all weaved into their daily
Being an Ali'i and the son of a Chief had many rewards, which sets him aside from
the other children. Kamehameha which literally means "the lonely one" describes him most accurately because of his reserve
nature and demeanor.
Ancient chants fortold that an Ali'i would be born and one day unite the islands
under one kingdom and there would be peace and harmony throughout. This prophecy had been a daily talking point among the
Hawaiians for centuries. The rulers of the island were quite conscious of this prophecy and did everything in their powers
to protect their own legacies. It was told that even King Alapa'inui had sent warriors to the hut where Kamehameha was
born, intent on killing the child. Upon learning of the birth, the Moi of Maui sent his own warriors to the Big Island with
similar dispatch. And luckily for kamehameha, his mother Keku'iapoiwa wrapped him in tapa cloth and sent him away with Naeole
to a far-off mountain district called Awini.
Chapter One.......
One stormy night in November 1753, Alapa'inui the Great Moi of Hawaii was encamped
on the northernmost tip of Hawaii. He and his warriors were poised for another attempt at conquering the neighboring island
of Maui. The gusty winds and heavy rains played havoc throughout the camp. The lightning flashes and the thunder cracks were
a testament of the erie storm.
A hodge-pot of activities surrounded the King's tent with warriors, chiefs, priests
and servants trapsing in and out with frequency. Everyone had personal business with the King. The chiefs and warriors were
taking commands from His Majesty for securing the Army's canoes and armaments. The priest were dictating the will of the gods regarding
the storm; the servants were just there to answer the beckon calls of the King and the Aliis.
A tall, gangly warrior came in immediately and prostrated himself before the King.
"Well?" demanded Alapa'inui, "What is it?"
"The child is born, my lord, but they have sent it away." the warrior reflected still
on his knees.
"What?" the King screamed angrily. "What do you mean they have sent it away?"
"Yes, my king." the warrior declared. "I saw your niece and she has given birth.
But when we got there, the baby was nowhere to be found."
"What?" Alapa'inui hollered impatiently. "Is it a boy?"
"Yes my lord, it is a boy." the man stammered.
"Go out there and find it. Search the camps; Search the entire countryside. Find
him and do as I ordered," Alapa'inui screamed out with rage.
"Yes, my King." the warrior added as he bowed reverently and backpeddled out the
The king dismissed his warriors, chiefs & servants but signaled for the High
Priest to remain. He sank down onto a pile of Haulapa mats and contemplated the seriousness of the situation. He thought
out loud. "I should have had the woman killed. Yes! I should have eliminated her before she gave birth. Am I getting too soft
and compromising? He looked at the old man and questioned. "Am I too soft? Tell me, my friend!"
The kupuna eyed him nervously and spoke, "My king. You cannot challenge the
will of the gods. This young Ali'i has been destined to become a great king."
"I know! I know! You have told me many times before." Alapa'inui commented.
"But there is more." the old priest highlighted. "In the months past, my
collegues and I have been tracking a strange stream of light high above the Western skies. It is an omen from the gods. It
is a sign that an Ali'i will be born and he will become the greatest of all kings."
"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" bellowed the king. "That is old news."
"I'm telling you, my lord." the kupuna acknowledged. "The prophesy is clear
and you must abide by the wishes of the gods."
"Oh, my friend," Alapa'inui fumed. " do you agree that as your king, my Mana is great?
do you agree that as your king - I, too, am a god?" Alapa'inui proclaimed.
"No, my King." the High Priest declared. "You are great, my lord, but you cannot
compare yourself with Lono? or Kanaloa? or Kane? Please do not insult the Ancient Ones?"
"I am not insulting anyone. I am merely stating facts. I am a great King and my people
love me. Right?" the King reasoned.
"You are absolutely correct, my friend. You are a Great King and you are loved by
your subjects," the kupuna retorted.
"Then what is the problem?" Alapa'inui asked. "What is wrong with one god disagreeing
with another god?"
"No problem, my King." the kupuna answered. "It is just that you cannot publicly
thumb your nose at the gods. It is immoral and unwise."
"Okay! Okay! My friend." Alapa'inui said. "I will restrain myself."
"Mahalo my king!" the High Priest declared.
More than a year prior, a young Chief had fallen in love with the King's neice,
Keku'iapoiwa and married her. Soon thereafter, the young bride created a huge rutkus throughout the kingdom with a most unusual
request. She wanted a certain Chief killed so she could have his eyeballs.
Alapa'inui was not the squeamish type but this request from his neice was out of
the ordinary. He called in an old soothsayer to translate such request for him.
"It is a clear sign from the gods, my lord" the old soothsayer declared. "Your neice
will bear a son who will grow up to become a great king"
Apparently not satisfied with the
soothsayer's rendering, the King summoned his priests and other kupunas for their inputs. Similarly, they all concurred that
the neice will bear a son who will become a 'slayer of chiefs'. Upon hearing of their prognosis, the king became terribly
alarmed. This warning was too strong that it can not be taken lightly. Rebels had never been welcomed in his Court, the King
reasoned, and if any 'slaying of chiefs' is ever to be done, he and he alone was capable of such undertaking.
"We shall nip this flower in the bud," he declared assuringly, "lest it grows and
spreads." With those words, he bounded the priests and soothsayers on pain of death to remain silent of what transpired. But
one of the kupunas was willing to risk his life. "Why?" he questioned, "why should his words cause the death of a still-Unborn
child? And did the King have the right to set himself up against the will of the almighty gods?" The kupuna went to Keoua,
the niece's husband and told him what the king had said.
Keoua was thrilled by the news and the prophecy. It certainly meant that the
child his wife was going to have would one day become a great king, undoubtedly the ruler of all the islands. With the help
of his brother, Kalaniopuu, they laid out careful and secret plans to preserve the child from the manifestations of Alapa'inui.
And so, on that night in November, while the storm rages through the Kohala coast,
Kamehameha was born. His first lusty cry was drowned out by the noise of the storm. The mid-wife hurriedly wrapped the infant
in folds of tapa cloth and handed him to Naeole, one of Kalaiopuu's runners. By the time the King's men got word of what had
happened, the son of Keoua was being carried swiftly through the dripping forest.
The place selected for hiding the child was Awini, a lonely village in the mountains
of Hamakua. It was governed by an old mountain chief named Umi. His daughter & granddaughter were chosen as the baby's
nurse & caretaker. For weeks, the women had been preparing for their precious charge. They had already started work on
a feather cloak which he would wear as a chief. In one corner of the hut lay a pile of Olona fibers for weaving the net on
which the brilliant red and yellow feathers would be fastened.
Hardly had the women taken the warm, rain-soaked bundle from Naeole and begun to
unwrap it, when an alarm was sounded from outside. The old chief standing guard had heard runners coming up along the trail.
The women shuffled the baby under the pile of Olona fibers and prayed that it would not cry.
Naeole ran outside and hid behind the house.
A minute later, a party of Alapa'inui's henchmen, who were already scouring the countryside,
peered in at the door.
"Have you seen a man with a bundle pass this way?" one of the men querried. "A man
carrying a child?"
The hearts of the women fell to their feet, but the girl forced herself to answer.
"No," she said calmly, "We have seen no one. Who would come here on a night like this?"
Hardly a whimper came from the pile of fibers in the corner. The men grunted and
passed-on down the jungle trail.
The following day Keoua and his brother Kalaniopuu came to visit the mountain hideaway.
"Naeole," Chief Keoua said to the runner who carried the child there. "My son shall
remain here with this family until I can send for him He will be safe here. I want you to remain with him as his 'kahu' and
teach him everything you know."
"I trust you, Naeole," Kalaniopuu added. "Please guard my nephew with your life."
"Mahalo, my lords." Naeole replied. "No harm shall come to him while he is in my
charge. I will protect him to my dying breath."
"And please be sure to teach him everything about our gods and our ancestors." Keoua
injected. "He must be groomed in the 'kapu' system and the sacred virtues of the gods."
"Yes, my lord." Naeole remarked. "It will be a priviledge and a sacred honor."
"My son will be king one day and he will be the greatest of all kings." Keoua echoed.
"He will be a GREAT KING, my lord." Naeole added.
The chubby brown baby was given the pet name of Paiea, 'The soft-shelled Crab.' For
twelve years he was cared for by the Mountain Chieftain Umi and his devoted family. There was almost no contact with the outside
world. King Alapa'inui had little interest in the happenings on a most remote and inaccessible part of his realm such as Awini.
Keoua occasionally visited his son but not often enough to arouse suspicion. Kalaniopuu sometimes came along to see his young
Those were 'hallmark' days for Paiea when the two tall warriors would appear
unannounced at the little settlement. How proud he was whenever they felt his muscles and asked him to show how far he could
throw his javelin. And how his chest swelled when he was told that he was stronger than any of the boys at the royal court.
At Awini there were no other boys of his own age, and his only playmate was a little girl, the daughter of his foster mother.
He soon outgrew the games she liked to play.
Paiea and his kahu, Naeole were closer to one another than father and son. Naeole
dedicated his entire being to the care and education of his noble charge. He was with the boy always. Roaming the forest paths
with him through the long day and sleeping by his side at night.
Naeole's primary goal
was to make the boy an all-around athlete. He taught him wrestling and mokomoko, the peculiar Hawaiian style of straight-arm
boxing. With an eye to the future, he showed Paiea how to throw javelins and spears, and how to dodge them or snatch them
from mid air and hurl them back.
The long days outdoors with Naeole were a delight for Paiea, but the evenings were
good ones too. There would be dinner to satisfy even the biggest of appetite. Chicken or pig or dog baked with hot stones.
Gourd bowls of poi, the root of the taro plant pounded to a mush and allowed to ferment until it had a buttermilk taste. There
were always sweet potatoes and bananas and coconuts, and for dessert, perhaps a piece of juicy sugar cane.
Then, before bedtime, the lad would curl up on a mat to listen to tales of monsters,
marvels and heroes. Umi and the women knew them all by heart.
Paiea loved stories of Hawaiian strong men, like the demi-god Maui who had held back
the sun. When the god's mother complained that she didn't have time enough to do her daily chores, he climbed to the top of
Haleakala (The House of the Sun) and by holding onto its rays forced the sun to travel more slowly.
There were many mysterious stories of shark-men who would turn into sharks in the water and attack their unsuspecting
companions. And funny ones too, about the dwarflike gnomes, the menehune; who could build a fish pond or a
wall around a field in a single night while everyone was asleep.
While the stories circulated, the women worked on Paiea's feather cloak, the one they had started
before he was born. It would take years to complete, because each Mamo bird supplied only two of the golden-yellow feathers,
one under each wing. They were woven so closely on the fiber net that the finished material had the texture of deep velvet.
The more serious part of Paiea's schooling was taken cared of by Naeole. He described
to the boy the beauties and wonders of his homeland and taught him the lore and customs of his people. He visually pictured
for his little pupil the string of islands; Hawaii, like a fallen comet set in the sea with its tail of smaller islands -
Maui, Lana'i, Moloka'i, Ko'olawe, Oahu, Kaua'i & Ni'ihau.
He taught the boy the names and attributes of the Ancient Ones, the great gods: Kane,
the supreme kindly god of nature; Ku, the fierce war god who demanded human sacrifices; Lono, the god of the peaceful life;
Kanaloa, the ruler of the sea.
Naeole held a fanatical belief in the destiny of his young pupil. When Paiea
was old enough to understand, the faithful kahu told him of the prophecy by the soothsayers. And from then on he never
missed an opportunity to impress upon the boy the conviction that one day he would be a great king,
Near the town of Hilo there lay a long, flat stone that looked like a fallen monument
from some ancient and forgotten time. The legends told that only the boys of a lost race of kings had been able
to turn the Naha Stone over.
When Paiea was nearly twelve years old, Naeole secretly took him to the place where
the stone lay. He had no doubt that the lad could move it. And he was right. Paiea grasped the edge of the slab and heaved,
and over it went.
A shriveled old priestess who lived nearby came up to watch. When she saw how easily
Paiea had moved the stone, she went down on her knees before him.
"I, hereby declare," she said, "This boy will grow up to be great; as he has
overturned the Naha Stone, he will overturn kingdoms upon kingdoms. He will be the ruler of a larger empire than has ever
been known in these islands."
At the Priestess' remark, Naeole too kneeled down in reverence.
"Paiea," he said. "I have taught you the religious prohibitions, the Tabus. You know
that it is death for a commoner to remain standing in the presence of a chief. You know that it is death to remain standing
when the king's drinking water is being carried past. It is death for a woman to enter a temple, or go into the eating house
of men, or eat the tabu foods: pork, bananas, coconuts."
"Yes." Paiea broke in, "You have told me all the things that are Tabu, but you have
not told me why they are Tabu?"
"I will tell you now," Naeole added, "For you are old enough to understand. The Tabus
may cause much discomfort, but they are really in the best interests of all. The Chiefs and Priests and most especially the
King, must be kept apart from anything common or corrupt, for it is through them that Mana flows from gods. Mana is the soul
of the universe, a sort of spiritual energy, without which no man or nation can be great. Which will you do, my boy?"
Paiea listened intently with a thoughtful and unsmiling face. He stepped up to Naeole
and placed his hand on the man's shoulder.
"I know that my Mana is great," he admitted. "I will enhance it by living as you
instructed me. I will revere and honor the gods and the Ancient Ones. I will perform noble deeds. If the almighty gods want
me to be a king, I will be a great one. I will be a king more powerful than any in the stories old Umi has told me.
Chapter Two.....
On the ocassion of Paiea's 12th birthday, good news came from the Palace. His father, Keoua
had sent a messager to Awini inviting him to come and live at the Palace. Thus began a new chapter in the youngster's
life and development. So on this morning, Naeole pulled him to the side and said. "Paiea, your father sent a runner with news
that he wants you to come and live at the Palace. Would you like that?"
"Yes, Naeole." the boy stammered. "I like that very much. But.....But....But...."
"But what?" Naeole questioned.
"But.....I cannot leave you. I will not leave you, Naeole." Paiea proclaimed.
"If you want me there, I shall come." Naeole added. "Your father and your uncle, both agreed, that
I should continue as your 'kahu'."
"Alright then, I will go. I will live at the Palace but only if you came along, Naeole."
the boy reiterated.
"Yes, Paiea. You are like a son to me," Naeole stated. "I made a solemn vow to your father that
I would protect you with my life. I, too, could never leave you, my boy."
"Nor I," the young Prince added.
"I have invested myself in you. I want to see you grow up and become the greatest king of all."
"Mahalo, Naeole." Paiea admitted. "I owe everything to you."
Now that the important logistics were taken cared of, Paiea had so many questions requiring
answers. He wanted to know what it would be like to live at Court? He wanted to know who lives there and how must he
act. He wanted to know the kind of games and training he would receive. He wanted to know about his Mother, his Father and
his Uncle.
"Who lives at the Palace?" he asked excitedly. "Who shall we live with? My Mother? My
Father? What kind of training will I get? How many boys my age live there? What kind of games do they play?" One by
one, the questions came.....
"Calm down, Paiea, calm down." his tutor reflected. "You will know soon enough when we
get there. One thing for sure, You will love it and you will thrive."
"You think so?" he asked Naeole.
"I know you will make me proud." Naeole said. "I know deep in my heart that you will do your
utmost best. And with that, you will accomplish great things."
Naeole was glad when the message came from Keoua. It was disgraceful and immoral to keep
the boy prisoner here in the mountains. Paiea had gotten restless the past few years and it concerned Naeole very much.
He did everything he could to contain him but there was just so much he could do. The boy needed the friendship
and companionship of boys his own age. He needed to be in the royal environment which are rightfully his.
The following morning, Paiea and Naeole were bidding their farewells to Umi and his family.
Tears ran down his cheeks and his heart weighed heavily. He did not want to leave his foster home. Paiea was sad. But his
kahu offered him some words of encouragement. "Stand proud my boy." Naeole proclaimed. "I know how close you are to Umi, his
wife, his children and grandchildren. They represent your Hanai family. But you must leave them and fullfill the prophecy.
It is your sacred destiny."
"Yes Naeole. I understand but I love these people and I will miss them." Paiea declared.
"I know, my boy. I know." Naeole added.
Chapter Three.......
The first part of the journey took them along narrow paths which wound among the tall Koa
trees and giant ferns of the forest, cool yet silent. The chirping of innumerable birds were the only sounds. In the
middle of the afternoon, they came out into an open upland of neat sweet potato and taro patches. And there in the distance,
three hours walk away, lay the Royal Town of Kawaihae...spread out along the shore of the sea.
It was hot, humid and dusty across this unshaded farm country, and, by the time they
entered the town, Paiea was quite tired. But he was determined not to show it. He strode bravely along with his head
held high, past the sharp-peaked grass houses that stood in little groups in their low-walled enclosures. He had never before
seen so many people. Men and women were at work in their yards, pounding taro roots for poi or making tapa cloth. Others were
just loafing in the shade. Pigs, dogs, chickens and naked children were everywhere.
Keoua met his son and took him straight to the Palace. Before Paiea prostrated himself beside
his father he had a glimpse of a grim, wrinkled face, white bearded man. Alapa'inui had been reminded of the existence of
Paiea only by hearing him named in a poem, one of a long, tedious kind made up mostly of recitals of family trees. The king
lifted his head at the name and broke out in a bard.
"Paiea? Paiea, son of Keoua? Ah, yes. I remember," the king proclaimed "Keoua, where is
the boy now?"
Keoua had known for some time that the king 's fear of the Prophecy had died away. But he thought
it was best to await for an opportunity such as this one.
"He lives in the mountains, your majesty" Keoua replied.
Alapa'inui was in a good mood. "In the mountains? Why? Are you trying to make a hermit
out of him? Bring him here to the court where he belongs." the king said.
"Yes, your majesty." Keoua announced. "In fact, I have him here with me. I sent for him days
ago and he is here, my Lord."
"He is?" the king gestured. "Where is he? Is he the one standing next to you?"
"Yes, my king," the warrior said. "this is my son, Paiea." Hugging the boy with pride and admiration.
"Is that you, Paiea?" Alapa'inui declared. "Welcome to my court."
"Mahalo, your majesty," the boy cooed and bowed in reverence.
"Thank goodness, Paiea. Come here and let me look at you." the king stammered. "My-my. You are
a grown boy. I want you to stay here at the court and attend school. I want you to train to be a warrior and a chief. Would
you like that, Paiea?"
"Yes, my king." the boy said.
"Now go with your father and I will call upon Kahukaupio, my finest warrior to be your instructor
and kahu." the king stated.
Keoua turned and was excusing himself. Paiea did not move.
"What is wrong? Is anything the matter?" The king asked.
"Yes, my lord," the boy argued. "I came here with my own 'kahu' and his name is Naeole."
"I see." Alapa'inui said. "Your 'kahu' Naeole can stay here with you, but I want kahukaupio
to teach you the art of warfare so you can become a warrior and a chief like your father and your uncle. I want you to be
trained so you can become an officer in my army. Is that okay?"
"Yes my lord." Paiea said but continued on. "But if I am to become a warrior and a chief, I
want to be called 'kamehameha' instead of 'Paiea'."
"So you want to be called 'kamehameha', huh?" the king reasoned. "Why? Don't you like
the name 'Paiea'?"
"No, my Lord," the boy declared.
"Why not? Alapa'inui questioned.
"Paiea is a childish nickname and not befitting of a Chief or a Warrior."
"I see," the king added with admiration. The king appreciated the boy's dedication and humility.
"From this day forward, you shall be called 'kamehameha'."
"Mahalo your Majesty," he stated and turned toward his father as they made their way out of
the Palace.
Seeing his kahu, Naeole and his uncle, Kalaniopuu, he waved to them in acknowledgement
as he proudly marched beside Keoua.
Chapter Four.......
The young prince began a long course of training for the time when he would come of age and
take his place as a high chief of Hawaii. Women had no further part in his upbringing: all that had been left behind at Awini.
His studies now were manly sports and the art of warfare, and he soon proved himself an apt pupil. Kekuhaupio taught him how
to handle his weapons skillfully. He also taught him the tactics and strategy of the battlefield and how to lead and inspire
It was one of the proudest days of Kamehameha's youth when he was put through the ceremony that
made him a full-fledge qualified fisherman. Fish was one of the three Hawaiian staffs of life; the other two were pork and
poi; and the sea around the islands teemed with dozens of varieties. Because fish was such a staple food, the catching of
it was governed by solemn rituals and tabus, and one of the most important was the initiation of the new fisherman.
For weeks before the ceremony Kamehameha had studied and practiced all the various ways of catching
fish. He went with fishing parties far out to sea after swordfish that weight three or four hundred pounds, and aku, the giant
striped tuna. He learned how to throw the big circular nets accurately and how to use the harpoon and fish spear.
He learned, too, strange methods that had been used since ancient times. How to spread on the
shallow reef water the ground-up pods of the fish poison tree so that the fish became drugged and could be scooped up. And
how to lay a rope of twisted banana leaves in a circle on the water so that it would cast a shadow through which the fish
were afraid to pass.
At last Kamehameha was declared ready for the initiation. He must speak to no one on the way
to the fishing canoe. Once at sea, he was not allowed to cast his line until the other fishermen had completed their day's
catch. Then he was told to catch one fish. Within a few minutes he had hooked a beautiful striped tuna that weight nearly
seventy pounds. When the party got back to the beach a kahuna cut up the fish and baked it. The men who had taken Kamehameha
out all ate pieces of it, murmuring prayers for his continued success. To complete the ceremony, the young prince wrapped
all the bones in large green leaves and threw them into the sea. He was now a fully qualified fisherman.
Probably no other sport gives a man the feeling of being as much a part of the force and movement
of nature as does surfboard riding. As Kamehameha learned it at Kawaihae Bay, with its rock-fringed shoreline, it was a reckless
and dangerous competitive sport. It called forth all the skill and courage and coordination of the trained athlete.
The riders who were going to race back to the beach must first of all get their smooth, oiled
boards out beyond the breakers, the white beards of the sea gods. Lying prone, they paddled the boards along with their hands,
gliding over the small waves and ducking under the high foaming ones. Then, half a mile from the shore, they lined up
sitting astride their boards to wait for a large wave. When they saw it coming, they stretched out on their boards again and
began paddling toward the beach with all their strength. As the wave caught them and lifted them up, they must distribute
their weight just right or they would be out of the race at the very start. The board would either slide off the back of the
wave or plunge helplessly down its face to the jagged coral shelf below.
But those who got themselves successfully launched still had the greatest danger ahead of them.
Kneeling or standing on their boards, they would be hurtled along at racehorse speed toward the line of black boulders. Those
who fail to steer between them were forced to jump disgracefully off and leave their precious boards to be dashed to pieces
against the rocks. The first man to shoot up onto the beach won the race. Kamehameha became such an enthusiastic and skillful
follower of this Hawaiian sport of kings that even in his old age he was known as one of the most expert surf riders in the
Chapter Five......
Sex for the Hawaiian people was a natural and cultural institution which the women own, particularly
for the Ali'is....or royalty class. Their entire belief system promotes promiscuity to maintain their Class Identity. It is
not uncommon for incesteous relationships, brother and sister having off-springs, nephew and auntie, father and daughter....all
in the name of bloodline quantum. Most importantly, the 'kapu system' or religious order supports these kinds of behavior....because
to them, the natural progression to perfection come via reproduction.
"He looks so cute." Nohea commented as she and her wahine friend looked out the Palace window.
"Yes! Kamehameha is so tall but awfully dark." Mililani said.
"Why is HE so dark? He looks different from the rest of the Ali'is." Nohea proclaimed.
"But he is tall and SO manly muscular." Mililani remarked. "He is a HUNK."
"I bet that he has the staying power to make love all night long." Nohea added.
"You think so?" asked Mililani.
"For sure. I bet he can be rough yet gentle. His kahu, Naeole said that he has never
been with a woman." Nohea chuckled.
"What?" Mililani stammered. "No way! The older Wahines will EAT him for breakfast. Such
"What if?" Nohea querried.
"What if....what?" Mililani asked.
"What if Kamehameha is a VIRGIN." Nohea remarked. "I would like to be his first lover. I can
show him the Hawaiian art of Lovemaking."
"I would too." Mililani said. "Every woman in this darn Palace would love to be his FIRST.
"Could it be that Kalola, the King's wife, knows about him being a virgin? Asked Mililani.
"More-than-likely. She has been giving Kamehameha so much attention. She is just brooding over
the poor boy. She probably wants to initiate him like she does every young Ali'i in the Palace." Nohea recited.
"Honestly, my dear," Mililani stated. "You have a weird imagination."
"I do?" Nohea echoed.
""Yes. You certainly do, Nohea." Mililani said. Why would you be jealous of an old hag
like Kalola?"
"I am not jealous," Nohea ceded. "And besides, she isn't that old, you know? Look at her body
curves & her stature. She has more curves than the Fire Mountain, Haleakala."
"Of course she does and she got them by being extremely active." Mililani added. "I see her
surfing with the young Ali'is down at the beach. You should see her when she's naked?"
"The gods forbid, I do not care to see her when she's naked." Nohea prompted.
"What is this gossip about you and Kamehameha together at the hula?" Mililani questioned.
"What about it. The man is totally 'lolo'." Nohea reported.
"What do you mean by 'lolo'? -crazy-lolo? or dumb-lolo?" Mililani asked.
"He loves the way I dance hula and he asked me to teach him." Nohea responded. "He should ask
one of the kumus, if you ask me?"
"I think he likes you, Nohea." Mililani said.
"You think so?" Nohea said pointedly.
"Yes! He is a Prince, girlfriend, and he can have anyone he wants." Mililani
"Okay," Nohea commented with a chuckle. "Well he can have ME anytime."
Chapter Six......
Kamehameha got his first taste of actual fighting when he was seventeen years old. King
Alapa'inui died, and the throne was claimed by a son of the king and Kamehameha's uncle, kalaniopuu. Kamehameha's father had
died a year or so earlier. The young chief joined the forces of his uncle and took part in a battle near Kealakekua Bay in
which the army of the other contender was defeated. He had helped to make a king, and he had begun his career as a warrior.
From this time until he was over forty, Kamehameha was almost constantly in battle. For no sooner
had Kalaniopuu become king than he found a brand-new excuse to take up the old contest with Maui. His son Kiwalao had married
the only child and heiress of the Maui king. Now came news that the king was dead and that the throne had been seized by the
dead king's brother, 'Kahekili the Thunderer', a man who was to be the arch enemy of Hawaii for many long years to come.
"He is usurper!" cried Kalaniopuu. "I will not rest until I have secured for my son the inheritance
that is rightfully his."
And he spent the remaining ten years of his life in one unsuccessful attempt after another to
make good on his vow.
The most important result of these years of fighting was the rise of Kamehameha to a generalship
in the Hawaiian army before he was twenty-five. Kekuhaupio had done his work well. And that doughty warrior felt amply repaid
when in one of the battles his pupil saved him from being impaled on a spear hurled by Kahekili himself. Kamehameha snatched
it from the air just as it was about to pierce the body of his battle tutor.
Such fame did Kamehameha win in these campaigns that a bard composed a chant in his honor and
sang it at court. In stirring masculine phrases the poet celebrated the young chief's prowess and fortold his future glory.
Soon, behold the shadow of one seizing the land,
Even the son of Keoua;
The youth doing the work of the chief, Wrestling for the islands.
Boldly stepping into the ring, he advances with
Right-handed and left-handed blows; He curbs the island with a strong hand.
Chapter Seven.....

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